
Fernando Alda

Fernando Alda

The seductive capacity of photography is what makes us want to visit a building, or even own it. It is true that nothing can change the experience of walking through it, of feeling it, of walking between its walls, of hiding in its cold shadows or vibrating with its high lights, but photography, thanks to its ability to communicate, can stimulate us to visit it. Photography thus becomes an indispensable accomplice between the architect, the photographer and the viewer.

My empathy with the architect will make me feel his passion when designing and the capacity of his intentions to carry out a dream. Understanding the context and deciphering the arguments that have weighed on the author to fit the project, on the one hand allows me to establish the necessary dialogue with everything that surrounds and interacts with it and on the other hand allows me to provide all the necessary information to see the results of the fusion between work and environment and thus document the project in its proper measure and scale looking for images full of sensitivity that go from concept to detail. My work as a photographer, specialized in architecture, tries to show what the architect expects from me, but, once the work is done, from the photographer's intentional vision, my images will reveal aspects of his work that he himself did not know, the most unexpected aspects of his own work. Analyzing the aesthetic and human values of the building and being able to transfer them to the images helps to understand the author's effort, his aspirations, needs and frustrations in carrying out the construction process. The result is, therefore, the product of communication between architect and photographer: of a team whose common goal is to build a better world. All these efforts, synthesized in images, are disseminated thanks to the specialized media, where my work is very present. This closes the creative circle. I would like to thank all those who trust me to document, interpret and represent their work and, at the same time, allow me to enjoy the exercise of my passion: photography.

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41013 , España
Tel.: +34 954 614 723